I Heart Meditation

The Map to Illumination (Part 1 of 3)



All are travelers, and the destination is the same for everyone: Illumination.  The goal of human development is to manifest in one's body, mind, and behavior the pure qualities of Love, Harmony, and Beauty; to explore the potentials within one's being; to accomplish the purpose for which one was created.  The map is universal, though it has been charted by the wise in all traditions in all ages. Time is limited in this world. Because of that limitation, some people are reluctant to commit to things, others commit to things easily, but fall away from their commitments easily also. Commitment is the beginning to a heart driven movement toward completion of goals, wholesome relationships, meaningful careers, and even spiritual realization.  Before Harmony is reached in any of these places, one experiences testing.  These three steps comprise the first stage on the path of the heart.