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WordPress Pages, Posts or Categories? Why and When to Use Each One - Ep #11



So, why did they even bother creating a type of content called a Post? Isn't everything just a Page? Why did posts even come into existence in the first place? To answer that, we need to do a quick 1-minute flashback to the time, when the word "blog" came into being. Did you know that the word "blog" is actually a short form for "Web Log" as in, a online log of events. Like a personal diary. On one of my web sites early in 2000 - a lot of web site owners did this - used to have a link in their menu called "Web Log". I certainly did, and it took the visitor to a page that had an online diary of sorts - the kind that we would publish on Facebook today. A typical WordPress blog shows all of your blog Posts, in reverse chronological order. And if your blog is set to show the latest 5 posts, and you keep publishing new posts ever week, if I go to your blog in 2 months, I will see an entirely new set of blog posts on the front page, assuming your front page IS your blog. So if I am on your blog, and I like one of