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Binge-Marketing & D-List Superstars: How to find marketing partners & affiliates - Ep #20



This episode is going to focus on how you you should focus on finding the D-list Super stars in your niche. These are the people who will have the inclination to help you. They too have something to prove, they're equally hungry and excited to work with other d-listers, they'll be more open to doing a mutually beneficial joint venture with you. They will be more willing to promote your product as an affiliate, write an article recommending you, interview you on their podcast. So many ways in which these kind folks can help you. And no, I'm not talking about doing a stupid email swap or an ad swap or a link swap. I'm talking about finding influencers who are ready and willing to help you, AND can make an impact on your business. But for this whole thing to work, here are the main ingredients you absolutely must have in place first. Let's say you are getting ready to launch a new online course about horse riding. Here's the new media way of finding your super star partners. #1) Let's start with the obvious: