

The "TOC Technique" will help you become a master at creating content for your membership site, for your online course, youtube marketing videos, writing sales copy, writing books, creating a product, writing Facebook posts and Tweets. And when I say "TOC", I mean T.O.C, as in Table of Contents. The show notes for this episode is available at . And that's where, you will be able to play the episode directly from the web site, thanks to my podcast player plugin, called CoolCastPlayer. It is without a doubt the Prettiest Podcast Player on the Planet. It plays podcasts as well as regular MP3 files. So check it out at Alright, let's jump right in... So what is this TOC technique and why is it such a big deal? I came up with this idea a few years ago, but had never given it a proper name that is easy to understand and implement, until recently. Back in 2007, I published my first book, called "No Business Like E-Business", which at the time, went on to become a ca