

Welcome to episode #25 of the SubscribeMe show from I'm your host Ravi Jayagopal. This is THE podcast to listen to, if you want to learn about creating digital content, marketing it, selling it, and then delivering it. I am the co-founder & co-developer of, easily the best membership plugin in the industry, fondly known as DAP. Membership sites aren't just for subscriptions that charge you month after month for life, until you cancel. That's just ONE way to create a membership. And membership sites aren't just for protecting content for ongoing members. There are essentially 9 different ways to add a membership component to your web site, and I'm going to discuss all 9 of them in this multi-part series. And today's episode is part 1 of this series. So be sure to check out the next couple of episodes as well, for the full story. Here are 3 (of 9) ways in which you can monetize your content: Membership model #1.    One-time Products with Lifetime Access Membership m