

3 must-have tools that you absolutely need, to help secure yourself, as well your web site. TIP #1) What is the first WordPress plugin I install on every new WordPress site I create? Nope, it's not DAP. It's Wordfence. It's the #1 security plugin for WordPress, and I will not do anything with a new WordPress installation, until I've installed this plugin. And the makers of the WordFence plugin have discovered a vulnerability in the Ninja Forms WordPress plugin. So if you're using Ninja Forms, make sure you upgrade to the latest version. Takes just 1 click to do from the WordPress plugins section of your site. And if you are not using Ninja Forms, then you should consider switching to it, as it's a fantastic contact-us form plugin, with a lots of features like support for the new captcha from Google, auto responses, storing the emails online in the plugin's settings, just in case you don't get the actual email delivered, and so on. I have the link to the WordFence security article in the shownotes at subscri