

Some of the best membership sites I’ve been a member of, offer content in multiple formats. The first thing you have to accept - is that recycled or re-purposed content is NOT low quality content. It's mostly a psychological barrier that you have to overcome. And remember, your followers are not following you on every channel. So re-purposing can be HUGE when it comes to content marketing as well, and not just for membership content. Let me give you my own example of content re-purposing... (listen to the episode for the full story) But that also brings us to what I call the Gary Vee Conundrum. So let's take a single module from an online video course that has the video itself on a page, along with links to the audio version as well as a transcription in PDF format, on the same page. Some members like watching videos, others prefer skimming through a written article or PDF and highlighting or making notes of parts that they find important. And there will be others (like me) who prefer to listen to audio while