

When I say "User" in this context, it means users of your product or service. Your members, your community, your subscribers. Forums and Discussion groups are a great way to get your members communicating with each other, creating great discussion threads and contributing great online content that search engines love, and can bring you a lot of organic traffic, even if they are sometimes of the long-tail variety. Facebook groups are easily one of the most popular forms of online forums today, for connecting and networking with others in your niche. But online forums have been around forever, starting with the now-extinct eGroups which became so big and so popular, that it was bought by Yahoo and renamed to Yahoo Groups - this was in the late 90's. In the online marketing space, there are popular forums like, DigitalPoint Forums and Sitepoint Forums. And there are several “answers” forums like and Yahoo Answers. And I am willing to bet, that you have probably run into a forum answer