

I want to tell you a true story, that delves into the psychology of a rabid fan, and how you can use those insights to create better content and better offers for your membership site or online course. In case you don't know, Ventriloquism is where someone has a puppet - or a dummy - on their lap or on a stand next to them, they talk without moving their lips, they make the dummy's mouth move, and through a combination of a funny script, good comedic timing, and decent lips-not-moving skills, it makes it look like it's actually the dummy that's speaking. Obviously, everyone knows it's not the dummy that is speaking, so it's critical that you have a funny script and a good sense of timing, and you can make people easily suspend reality, and actually start to look at the dummy entirely when you are speaking. Back in 2006-2007, when I was still renting DVD's from a video store called "Blockbuster" - remember those days? Yeah, barely a few years before that I used to rent cassette tapes! Oh my god. VCR. There's s