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My "Brilliant-5, Blah-95" Rule For Making or Marketing Anything - Ep #64



My "Brilliant-5, Blah-95" Rule For Making or Marketing Anything, Hobbyist vs Entrepreneur, Death (of your business) by a 1000 cuts, my Guinness World Record, the Worst Title Ever for a free report or Facebook post or just about any type of list post, and finding out: Are you a Performer, or a Pretender? When I published my first, real, paperback book back in 2007, called "No Business Like E-Business", I wanted to quickly figure out how to promote my book. So back then, if I wanted to learn something quick, I just went to Amazon and bought the best couple of books on the subject. So for promoting my book, I bought a book called "1001 Ways to Market Your Books". Back then, it had like a massive number of reviews, highly rated, lots of folks all over the web singing its praise. So naturally, I bought the book. Long story short, there's a reason why it has 1001 ways to promote a book, because it lists every dang method there is, however basic, like Print a business card, Attend meetings and hand out your cards, A