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Why (Most) Webinars and Live Videos Suck (and What You Can Do About It) - Ep #66



Do you remember the last time you signed up for a webinar, showed up at the pre-scheduled time, then watched it start to finish? If you have, then congratulations - you're among the minority of folks theses days. And that's because most people are getting jaded by so-called "webinars", which are nothing but a pre-recorded video, with a long, drawn-out intro, where the presenter usually starts off really slow, welcomes users as if there are real users listening live, and sometimes it may actually be true - that it was probably a recording of an actual live webinar when there WERE real people listening. Either way, it usually takes about 10 minutes or so to get into the meat of the content. There's the obligatory self-praise in the beginning, showing some warm-and-cuddly family pictures with kids and pets, and vacation shots, and a bunch of "see, this is why I'm cool" type of accomplishments. Honestly, most webinars are a waste of time because there's way too much fluff. Have you ever been at a Karaoke party? I