

Part 2: Product First? Or Audience First? I talk about Strategy #2: Building an Audience First and THEN creating a product (ideally, productS) for that audience. Which is WAY easier said than done. And I'm also going to let you in on a little secret... that Strategy #1, which is Product First, Audience Next, and Strategy #2, which is Audience First, Product Next, are actually not mutually exclusive at all. You DON'T HAVE to choose just one or the other. You can actually do both. In fact, you MUST do both. But only in a certain order. And I'll talk about that in a second. Now to give you better context, I have to say this real quick about Strategy #1. The cool thing about Strategy #1, is that once you've accomplished that, then Strategy #2 - which is building an audience first - becomes kind of moot, because now you already have an existing audience who have already bought your first product. So creating additional products for an existing audience is going to be a lot easier than finding or building a new aud