Jimmy Petruzzi

In Case you missed it or would like to tune in to this fascinating interview again 94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show with Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Dr Gemma Bridge, researcher and elite racewalker



  In Case you missed it or would like to tune in to this fascinating interview again 94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show with Jimmy Petruzzi interviews Dr Gemma Bridge, researcher and elite racewalker Click on the following link to tune in to the interesting and informative interview discussing Gemma’s research and insight into competing as an elite racewalker Or the following link Gemma Bridge is a researcher, interested in health communication, social media analysis and evaluating research impact. She is also an elite racewalker, who competed in the 2017 World Championships and the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Gemma is now working to qualify for the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. 94.4FM Salford City Radio Friday sports show Bringing you all the latest news from around the local area and around the world: Making a difference through sport We also feature segment speaking to some of the world’s most influential professionals in the field of psychology and related field Please also feel free to click on th