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25 Content Marketing Ideas to Help Your Customer and be Their Hero



When was the last time you read a blog post, watched a video, listened to a podcast or engaged with a piece of content of any format and thought "wow, that was an amazing piece of content that will help me solve the problem that has been stressing me out lately"? The truth is if you recently had this experience, you likely remember not only exactly what the content was, but also what person and/or brand provided it to you. The same person or brand likely earned your trust and has a higher level of authority in your mind. Chances are high you will be back to their website, blog, YouTube page, Facebook profile or whatever platform it was you originally found the content, to explore more ways that they can help you! It's easy for marketing and business leaders to get caught up in the whirlwind of social media and content marketing vanity metrics. Many get addicted to the likes, shares and follows. Sometimes the desire for quantity over quality wins out over producing content that provides real value for our targ