Go Wellness Radio

The Connection between Brain Fog, Leaky Gut, and Thyroid Issues



Your hormones, and the bacteria in your gut, may have far more to do with brain fog than how well your brain is actually functioning. Today, Regan digs deep to understand the root causes of brain fog, and provide practical solutions toward reversing the effects.   Key Takeaways: [00:12] What is brain fog? [01:20] What artificial intelligence will never duplicate is the ability to find meaning in life. Learn how brain fog affects your emotions, thought process, and even sensations. [02:20] Today’s show is all about understanding brain fog, and reversing these symptoms. Share the show if you feel this can help someone you know! [03:30] Regan shares his history of autoimmunity caused by chemical exposure as a child. [06:15] Prescription drugs that are “properly” prescribed are causing over 128,000 deaths per year in the U.S. and another 200,000 deaths in Europe alone. [07:15] The food pyramid recommends 6-11 services of breads, grains, and rice. That’s a recipe for inflammation and brain fog. [09:00] The researc