Go Wellness Radio

Emotional Wellbeing and The 5 Elements



When we can have very expressive emotions, and don’t have our habitual patterns of negativity interfering, we can truly begin moving forward in our lives and health. In this episode, we explore how the 5 Elements in Chinese medicine are indicative of the microcosm of our bodies, and how we are the manifestation of the macrocosm of the earth.   Key Takeaways: [01:19] How do the 5 Elements relate to our meridian systems, and how are our bodies similar to batteries? [02:16] The 5 Elements are (and relate to your): Wood (liver, gallbladder, hormones); Fire (heart, small intestine, pituitary); Earth (spleen, stomach, pancreas); Metal (lungs, large intestine, thyroid): and Water (kidney, bladder, adrenals). [02:45] Each element relates to different food flavors; fire/bitter, earth/sweet, metal/spicy, water/salty, and wood/sour. [03:40] Wood: The liver is said to be the General of the Army who makes plans, and the gallbladder is the decision-maker. [09:20] What are some health tips for balancing your wood element? [