Go Wellness Radio

The Supplements You Need to Help Combat Depression and Hyper-Thyroidism



Roy Krebs is the Co-founder and Head of Product for Natural Stacks, a supplement company that does not hide their ingredient list. This is Roy’s second guest appearance and you can find out more about his company from his first guest appearance (link in the show notes). On today’s episode, Roy and Regan discuss how to combat depression, improve gut health, and how to get rid of hyperthyroidism through the use of supplements and good old-fashioned foods.   Key Takeaways: [2:05] In Regan’s state, Utah, they have the highest per capita usage of antidepressants. [2:30] What are some of the symptoms of having low serotonin? [4:00] What foods help build serotonin? [7:40] One of the fruits Regan recommends to help increase tryptophan production is avocados. [8:05] What other foods help increase tryptophan production? [11:20] Natural Stacks is one of the only supplement companies that does not hide their ingredients. [11:55] How do you know if you have a low thyroid? [14:00] How can you improve your gut health? [17:4