Go Wellness Radio

Transform and Heal Your Body with Stem Cell Therapy



Today’s topic is all about stem cells and what they can do for your body. Regan goes over why stem cells are so important towards reducing aging and why it causes super-speed healing. Regan also explains what a stem cell is and what a typical stem cell treatment looks like on today’s show.   Key Takeaways: [1:00] Would you like to heal your pain, but also like to avoid surgery? [3:10] Why do our bodies not heal ourselves? [4:45] Stem cells in a newborn are doubling every hour. Within a 30 day period, there are a billion cells from one single newborn stem cell. That decreases as you age. At 35, you will have 32,000 stem cells within that same period. [5:45] You can reduce aging and heal old pains by increasing stem cells in your body as you get older. [6:00] What is a stem cell? [7:30] We are losing 300 million cells every minute. [7:55] How do Regan and his clinic find and obtain new stem cells? [9:55] What does a typical stem cell treatment look like? [12:45] Are you ready to do something different? [13:10]