Angela's Awesome Podcast

Episode 033 - Walk The Talk; Doctor! Heal Thyself



AAP 033 - Join us! Yes join us as we journey into discovery. A discovery of being human. A journey into Angela. It's not always easy to walk the talk as Angela discovers this week and Henno is happy to lend a hand. Angela kicks it off sharing her week and discussing her blog Ask, Manifest and then make sure you RECEIVE! sharing what ends up becoming an exploration of herself. A powerful AWESOME journey! Angela mentioned a book titled, Keys To The Kingdom by Allison Armstrong. Find her book here Understand Men Wood River Valley people don't miss Angela's new class; Yoga for The Stiff and the Scared Wednesdays at noon and please join Angela's #fueledbyangelas contest by taking a picture of you doing something outdoors or during your day that is easier because you are "Fueled by Angelas." Throw your pic up on Twitter and tag Angela @angelasgym. This weeks winners were Gina and Henno....send us your pics! Helping you "find your own path to inspiration" Proud member of the Wicked Radio Network Going To Angelas  P