One Voice Can Change The World With Tina Bangel

Ep 011 How to get international gigs



If your dream is to secure international gigs then this is an episode you need to listen to.  Prita’s unique sound is ‘Hip-So-Fo’. It combines her love of Hip-Hop, Soul and Folk with the use of a live loop pedal and effortlessly layers funky urban harmonies, acoustic finger picking guitar and beat boxing. Prita's mission is to inspire people to follow their dreams.  Prita bravely overcame her insecurities and took the pludge to make singing her full time career.  Now she travels the world sharing her music not only in Australia but all around Europe. We met each other through Denise Duffield's Lucky Bitch Money Bootcamp Here are the questions I ask: Tell us about what brought you to where you are now? Not only are you musically talented what other services do you offer and how did that come about? We met through Denise's Lucky Bitch community what drew you to her program and what are some of the best things you learnt from the bootcamp? Tell us which countries music has taken you? For singers who want to trav