Modern Collaboration

How Visual Collaboration Can Supersede Video Conferencing in the New Visual Workplace



Web conferencing was a step up.  Video conferencing, another step.  However, ensuring that meetings are as effective as possible for all participants requires a new paradigm for visual collaboration.  In this podcast interview with Dana Corey, the VP of Global Strategic Partnerships at Prysm, we discuss how a company most well known for their display wall technology, has created a unique software layer to take visual meetings to the next level. By combining cutting edge, touch screen visual displays for in room meetings with a centralized meeting canvas software that allows all participants - regardless of location - to see, add, annotate and interact with any type of content, visual collaboration creates a new type of meeting workspace.  We review how this type of environment builds upon and integrates with UC platforms, delivers mobility solutions for remote and home workers and keeps track of all meeting details in the cloud so participants can go back and revisit the specifics of each collaborative sessio