Real Estate Success Rocks | Top Producing Agents Who Value Excellence, Personal & Professional Growth

243 - Growing Your Book of Business with Eli Schmidt & Will Grimes



Will Grimes and Eli Schmidt own a real estate team in Denver, Colorado and host the Day One Dollar Zero Podcast. In their first year as a team, they are on track to hit almost $40 million in production all through generating real relationships through social media in addition to averaging 2-3 referrals per deal.  From careers to family, to life and everything in between; Day One Dollar Zero is about two friends tackling it all together. Uncut, raw, punch you right in the face style of branding and business. From a Marine Corps/SOCOM perspective to born entrepreneurs; get ready for a no-bullshit style to approaching life and how two different perspectives of leadership create a dichotomy that leads to success day in and day out. In today's episode, we discuss Will & Eli's unique perspective on sales and marketing, and how they documented their journey from the very beginning to create a compelling story and brand identity.  In this episode, you'll learn.. Meeting clients  Keeping clients focused on their