

The very thought of mold scares people. In addition to potential sickness and damage to your home, it can cause emotional and financial strain on your family. You can hire a restoration company to take these worries away, but the sad truth is that many companies take advantage of people’s fear just to make a profit. After working as a home inspector and going on to manage a mold remediation franchise, Zach realized there was a need for more honest service, and created Mold Mentor.  In today's episode, we discuss the in's and out's of mold, how to tell if it's a concern in your property, and what to do about it.  In this episode, you'll learn.. - A. WHAT IS MOLD? Mold has only one job Mold needs food and water Mold in homes - B. BLACK MOLD Do we know how to identify black mold? Mycotoxins What is the right way to remediate? - C. MOLD TESTING Swab sample VS air sample When should testing be conducted? Interpreting a lab report Links and resources mentioned in this episode.