Litquake's Lit Cast

Cheston Knapp: Lit Cast Live Episode 93



Litquake's "Lit Cast Live" series of events at Bay Area bookstores continues with the daring and wise, hilarious and tender, Cheston Knapp and his exhilarating collection of seven linked essays, Up Up, Down Down, which tackles the Big Questions through seemingly unlikely avenues. Taken together, the essays in Up Up, Down Down amount to a chronicle of Knapp’s coming-of-age, a young man’s journey into adulthood, late-onset as it might appear. He presents us with formative experiences from his childhood to marriage that echo throughout the collection, and ultimately tilts at what may be the Biggest Q of them all: what are the hazards of becoming who you are?This appearance was recorded live at Green Apple on the Park in San Francisco. Sponsored by California College of the Arts.