For Amusement Only Em And Bingo Pinball Podcast

Episode 425 - Multi Races annoucement, Multi-Bingo status, Robo-Frenzy status, Ballerina fixed



The biggest news for today's episode: the announcement of the Multi Races project.  Thanks to Dennis Dodel for the name! The plan is to make another Multi-type game that will allow you to play all 49 of the one-ball horse race games.  Very excited to get started.  I've made a thread here:  The Multi-Bingo still needs some animations written for a handful of Bally games and almost all of the United games. Robo-Frenzy - I decided a while ago upon a design for the timer unit - I had previously stacked too much on that one unit.  I'm moving certain circuits to trip relays instead, which will simplify the timer unit design.  Unfortunately, I ordered the wrong part.  After York, I'll get back to the game. Two small updates to the last podcast, I talk about repairing the Bally Ballerina and going through the underside of the Williams Rag Mop that Ryan and I discussed. Thank you, as always, for listening! You can reach me at  or via the bingos line at 724-BINGOS-1 You can listen to the show on iTunes, Pocket Casts, S