For Amusement Only Em And Bingo Pinball Podcast

Episode 433 - The York Show, A Contest, and Upcoming Projects



This year's White Rose Gameroom Show was incredible! I speak a bit about each game in Bingo Row, and do a recap of the happenings day-by-day. JeffC's amazing unboxing video is in this thread:  Tons of pictures in that thread, and lots of information. I discuss the unknowns listed on the sign in front of the game individually and the answers to our burning bingo questions. And - a contest!  Anyone that can send me evidence of a current/new 5 in a line on a game will receive a free Bingo Row print!  The illustration by Ryan Claytor of Elephant Eater Comics () is amazing.  Non-bingo-owners can get in touch if they would like a copy. Lastly, I speak about some upcoming projects, including a Sing-Along, and of course, Robo-Frenzy. Thank you, as always, for listening! You can reach me at  or via the bingos line at 724-BINGOS-1 You can listen to the show on iTunes, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter (bingopodcast) or follow me on Instagram (also bingopodcast). The show's website is