For Amusement Only Em And Bingo Pinball Podcast

Episode 434 - Audio Issues, Robo-Frenzy Wiring, Contest Reminder, 1952 Gottlieb Quartette



Robo-Frenzy is taking shape, the wiring has begun in earnest.  I talk a bit about how I am prototyping the light board, how the wiring is going and the basic functions that are wired. A reminder that I'm running a contest!  Anyone that can send me evidence of a current/new 5 in a line on a game will receive a free Bingo Row print!  The illustration by Ryan Claytor of Elephant Eater Comics () is amazing.  Non-bingo-owners can get in touch if they would like a copy. Today's game is 1952's Gottlieb "Quartette" - Thank you, as always, for listening! You can reach me at  or via the bingos line at 724-BINGOS-1 You can listen to the show on iTunes, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Google Play Music, Spotify, Facebook, Twitter (bingopodcast) or follow me on Instagram (also bingopodcast). The show's website is If you like video games, you might enjoy Gaming on Ten Minutes a Week at   Thank you very much for listening, and I'll talk to you next time.