Cross Podcast

CROSS20:E2 John Piper - Hallowed By Your Name



Plenary #2 at CROSS20.     Reflection Questions: 1. John Piper pointed out that the Lord’s prayer is made up of petitions, not exclamations. How can that change the way we approach the Lord’s Prayer? 2. What does it mean to ask God to “Hallow” His name? What other words did John Piper use to replace or illuminate “hallow”? 3. The first commandment Jesus gives is to love God (Matt. 22:37-38) and the first line in the Lord’s prayer is that God’s name would be hallowed. How are these connected? 4. John Piper argued that while there really are two groups of three petitions in the Lord’s prayer, nevertheless he made the case that all five other petitions serve the first one. It is in a class by itself, he said. What is unique about that act of hallowing that puts this request in a class by itself? 5. Jesus pursued the hallowing of God’s name ultimately through suffering. How did Jesus’ suffering in the place of sinners make much of God?  6. John Piper argued that the pandemic is a time of affliction that need not