Cross Podcast

CROSS20:E4 Wayne Chen - Forgive Us Our Debts



Plenary #4 at CROSS20.    Reflection Questions: 1. It is common in our day to use words like “mistakes”, “struggles,” or “issues” instead of “sin.” How can that confuse the need for forgiveness that comes through the gospel? 2. Wayne Chen said, “When we ask God for daily bread, we are asking God to supernaturally help us to trust in His grace for tomorrow.” What are some ways we grow in having a deep, unshakeable trust in God to provide all that we need? 3. Wayne Chen cited Matthew 10:28 (“And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”) and encouraged us to prioritize gospel proclamation over merely doing mercy ministries. Does this sound like you’re loving your neighbor? 4. Wayne Chen encouraged those interested in taking “the next step of obedience” to “throw themselves at their local church.” What are some ways that you can serve and grow through your local church? 5. Wayne Chen challenged us to take a step of obedience either