Aviation News Talk Podcast

Red Bull Winner, Pilot Arrested, Flying the Atlantic, Deadly Distractions +GA News - EP5



[caption id="attachment_163" align="alignleft" width="174"] Aviation News Talk #1 in iTunes.[/caption] Aviation News Talk was #1 in the Aviation category of iTunes this week. Totally cool! Thanks for listening! A Crash that sent pilot to closed runway prompts FAA changes. When pilot Joseph Milo reported engine trouble, an air traffic controller directed him to a nearby airfield. But the airfield had actually closed 25 years earlier, and industrial buildings occupied its former runway. Milo crashed a quarter-mile away and died. His death prompted the Federal Aviation Administration to update its procedures to include weekly accuracy checks of its radar video maps The FAA has adopted a new airworthiness directive, effective Wednesday, in response to a report of an event aboard an American Champion Aircraft Corp. airplane. Specifically, a pilot reported dealing with a stuck aileron during a flight in his Super Decathlon (model no. 8KCAB), and while he was able to “un-stick” the aileron and land successfully, t