Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Leveling the Playing Field and Standing Out with Dorie Clark



Imagine a place where everyone was on the same playing field when it comes to marketing skills and know-how. In this place, ideas would be standing out based on their own merit. It’s a fantastic idea we can get behind, and today’s guest, , is making it her mission to teach people who have great ideas how to put them out into the world. Dorie can’t stand the thought of ideas that can truly make a difference languishing or dying. Her strategy is simple: build a brain trust, build your audience, and make your audience into a community. If you have a great idea that can change the world for the better, you don’t want to miss this episode.   At 4:00 – Dorie talks about her difficult experience trying to get her first book published, even though she did everything to guarantee her success, including getting an agent. At 8:00 – Dorie shares the two key factors to her success, and how you can implement them in your life. At 15:00 – Dorie gives her thoughts on where good ideas come from, including mixing disciplines.