Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Becoming an Urban Monk with Pedram Shojai



What do you think of when you hear the words ‘urban monk?’ Do you picture some guy in a robe meditating on top of a skyscraper? Maybe you’re thinking of meditation 2.0 and some guru’s new, flowery method of finding inner peace. Not even close. Today’s guest, , is anything but flowery. While his knowledge is ancient and comes from his time with kung fu masters, ascetic monks, and even the Dali Lama, Pedram is a dad. He’s an entrepreneur and a realist. And he wants you to be well. It starts with three minutes at a time, and they type of meditation you can do while driving. Then, take a look at your schedule. Do you suffer from ‘time compression?’ Have you scheduled in the things you need to be well, things like family? What is all your busyness really doing to your energy level, and how do you get more of it? Pedram answers these questions and more on today’s Business Reimagined. At 4:00 – Pedram talks about the average person, and his motivation for writing the book, Urban Monk.  At 9:00 – These are the questi