Business Reimagined With Danny Iny | The Mirasee Podcast

Pat Flynn on Building an Offer



It’s hard to believe that success in building an offer can drag you down. Really – if you’re raking in thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even a cool million, is that the kind of success your heart desires? Or do you want to create something that will be a legacy for everyone? Today’s guest, , is no stranger to building ultra-successful products. He’s been doing the blog and podcast for years and is a best-selling author. His latest book, Will It Fly, is about a wonderful process of validating your offer, but with a unique twist. Find out what that twist is and more on today’s Business Reimagined with Danny Iny. KEY NOTES: At 5:00 – Pat talks about his biggest mistake, what he would have done differently after being laid off from his architecture job, and it’s something that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to hear. At 6:30 – Pat shares his own doubts and fears that beginning entrepreneurs often face, like impostor syndrome and competition, and how he conquered them. At 10:00 – His new book, Will It Fly,