Sales Lead Management Association Radio

What Separates CRM from Sales Lead Management Software?



There has been a steady drum-beat of an emerging category of software to manage sales leads.  The category is Sales Lead Management.   While Sales Lead Management is a big tent that encompasses many different disciplines and tools, if you search for the category of sales lead management software there are new entrants that say they aren’t CRM. Or are they?  Are these “entrants” just CRM companies that separate themselves from a crowded field?  ----more---- Our guest today is Ani Chiuzan head of customer marketing at Pipedrive.  Ani discusses the basics of a CRM system that salespeople like and what separates CRM from Sales Lead Management Software.  We discussed:  Why CRM abandoned its original purpose to serve the sales representatives' needs. What makes a great CRM system What salespeople dislike most about CRM systems Is Sales Lead Management Software really separated from CRM? What is the difference between CRM and SLMS, or is there a difference?  About our Guest Ani Chiuzan Ani Chiuzan is Hea