Everyday Ayurveda And Yoga At Hale Pule

Exploring the Gurvadi Gunas: Static (Sthira) and Mobile (Chala)



In our exploration of the gurvadi gunas this month, we’re giving context to the qualities of mobile (chala) and static (sthira) in everyday life and in Ayurveda.Myra explains: How to identify chala and sthira gurvadi gunas today with relatable examplesGives practical insights on balancing these gurvadi gunas dailyExplains how digestion is impacted by static and mobile qualities How technology may be disruptive to chala and sthiraInsights on how Ayurvedic practitioners use the gurvadi gunas with pulse analysisThanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podcast. If this series inspires you to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle, check out Hale Pule's 21-day Agni Therapy program - a reset for your digestion and your life! It includes Ayurveda and Yoga practices, energy work, a private support group and weekly live Q&A to support your healing process. Learn more here.You can also connect with Myra and the Hale Pule team over at the refreshing Spark your Intuition meditatio