Duncan And Stuff

Ep. 6: You make me want to be a better man



I’m back! In today's episode, I dive into LA Pride, and how it came to be. Quote some of my LGBTQ friends and family and what pride means to them. I also just generally get pissed about how the LBGTQ community is treated in america. I look back on the Pulse night club shooting and how it affected me. I also call out all the white straight people for standing by with their misguided hate towards people for no reason other than their fear and hate. How weaponizing religion against a group of people is not only stupid it isn’t American. Buckle up this is an intense one. Much love for all my friends and family who reached out to me in support of this episode. Links to groups and event I talked about donate to groups helping LBGTQ communities because all the cool kids are doing it. https://www.lapride.org https://www.resistmarch.org/ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049089X12000610 http://www.hrc.org/ Just for fun so idiot politicians and the things they said...pretty shitty. http://www.rank