
How To Make A Website And Not Die: Katerina Ingraham Perfilova



Katerina Perfilova is a web-developer from Russia, who moved to America only three years ago. She tells the story of one of her unusual projects that occurred 10 years ago in Moscow. This story involves Russian gangsters, precious treasure, difficult tasks, and human values… and a happy ending. ***All names and locations are fake. If you recognize yourself, keep calm. Don't try this at home! Visit her website: www.websputnik.biz (Spoiler: this project is NOT in the portfolio) URBAN TELLERS April 5, 2019 IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE SHOW Katerina Ingraham Perfilova live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®