
The Most Important Lesson: Oksana Davletshina



This personal story of a Russian immigrant is about how hard work and persistence can bring personal and professional success. Oksana Davletshina came to America with her husband and 3 children in November 2016 seeking asylum. It was a big change in every aspect of their life. In Russia she was a Juris Doctorate (JD) in Law, her husband was a judge. They were happy and successful. In America they started their life again, doing dirty jobs to provide for their kids. But, working hard and with all their hearts, they have overcome all challenges. URBAN TELLERS April 5, 2019 IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE SHOW Oksana Davletshina live at The Old Church Concert Hall in Portland, OR Portland Story Theater, hosted by Lawrence Howard and Lynne Duddy pdxstorytheater.org MAY THE NARRATIVE BE WITH YOU®