Ruach Breath Of Life

Redeemer of the Nations. Praying for God's power to be at work among the nations



In the light of the spread of Covid-10 and many other challenges, the Church needs a vigorous response. Here is the first of a three part prayer response to some of the challenges the Church and the nations are facing at the moment, set to beautiful music. Set to Linda Entwistle’s ‘Nunc Dimittis’ The crowds were cheering themselves hoarse as the Lord Jesus His triumphal entry into Jerusalem – but inwardly, He was weeping, because Jerusalem was about to reject the hour of her visitation, and He foresaw the ravages and loss of life that would soon afflict her. They had not understood how You longed to draw them into the shelter of Your wings. They were open to ungodly forces, hostile to You. Lord, have mercy! Mighty God, we cry to You on behalf of lands where plagues of one kind and another are flailing through; rain and firestorms, imperilling regions and lives, huge immense of locusts in Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and elsewhere in East Africa against which there can be no defence, and now the chorus of cou