Ruach Breath Of Life

Marvel not but marvel well(i)



I have always loved the way Jesus declared on occasion, 'Marvel not that . . .' He is our Head, the One in whom all things hold together, our crowned king, and His 'Marvel nots! are like His 'verilys' - proclaiming truths we need to hear. These were the words that inspired a couple of reflections which we are glad to share with you. They make a very different sound from the endless updates on the spread of Corona, and bid us rather to contemplate the voice that goes out into all the earth, even to the ends of the world! (Ps.19:4) The music is ‘Latakia,’ a short piece Geth Griffiths led at one of our recording sessions, on behalf of Syria. Latakia is the principal sea port of Syria, and was the Laodicea of Revelation.