Team Guru Podcast

022- Alan Stevens - Facial Features To Read Personality



Imagine being able to read someone’s personality the minute you meet them – just by observing their facial features? The benefits would be incredible – you’d know how to approach them physically, engage in the type of conversations they’d most enjoy, predict how they make decisions and much more. My guest in this episode is Alan Stevens – better known as the Celebrity Profiler. He’s Australia’s leading personality and business profiler. Alan can read almost everything about someone’s inherent personality type, their mood and their life experiences just by looking at them. And in this episode of the Team Guru Podcast he’s going to give you some hot tips on how you can do the same. And of course, I put him to the test. Before the show I sent him some pictures of me and you will hear live, in real time, as he uses those images to break down my personality. Enjoy!