Tracy's New York Life

My New York | Tracy's New York Life



The release of this 10th episode coincides with the 10-year anniversary of the journey that began my life in NYC. It was 10 years ago that Mike and I drove from Atlanta to Manhattan to stay for a week, hoping that we'd land jobs and an apartment so we could embark on our adventure of a lifetime – moving to New York City. I can barely believe that a decade has come and gone since that first week of May in 2007. But even more, I can barely believe where I stand now as compared to 10 years ago. If anyone had told me that I'd be a freelance writer and blogger and living on the Upper West Side of NYC, I doubt I would've bought into it! Life is filled with curve balls, and my story proves how anyone's destiny can turn on a dime. One thing's for sure – I know a lot more about NYC than I did a decade ago. My blogging journey has made sure of that. And one thing hasn't changed and I doubt it ever will – I still love New York and I'm incredibly lucky to live here. In episode 10, I share 'My New York' – favorite plac