Best Linux Games Podcast

BLGP 53: Alien Isolation & Halloween DealFest



In this TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL, psychotic slaughterfest of an episode, we make fun of Batman, rant ecstatically about the glory of "Alien Isolation," get heart-to-exploding-heart with "Broforce," and admire the crisp, polished, and delicious 2D space-shooting of the new "GALAK-Z." Then we cap it all off with no less than 10 Halloweed-themed badass deals to get your creep-on. All this, plus an original Alien-themed miniature radio play, more praise for our Steam Controller, the death, disappearance, and subsequent ghoulish return of our crack engineer and producer, Ivor Molina, and so much more that you better run while you still can monkey boy... the curse of the Halloween Episode will consume you!