Sample Space

S3E1 - Hey Jad, Thanks For Listening: Talkin' Bout My Generation



Diana met Jad Abumrad! There was hand-shaking, picture-taking, question-asking. So thanks @Jad for listening, this one’s for you. Talkin’ bout my generation: what it means to be part of it, raising it, and defining it. Stories about the next generation and all the expectations, guilt, sacrifice, disappointment, and yes, love, that comes with it. #secondgenproblems Part of this episode originally aired in Season 2 Episode 2, The Next Generation, which you can find wherever you get your podcasts. Special thanks to Veronica Garcia, Ria Das Gupta, Mary J. Wardell-Ghirarduzzi and the Diversity Engagement and Community Outreach office of the University of San Francisco. Music by Kevin Mcleod of Incompetech and the Who.