Bonus Barrel - Gaming Pod

Bonus Barrel 03 - Gaming News, Hype and Reptile



Welcome to this episode of Bonus Barrel! In this episode we apologize for FromSoftwareGate, talk about the Reptile trailer (and fighters in general), console sales, some weird news tidbits, what we're hyped for and more! It's a pretty damn exciting time to be alive. Also there's a lot more swearing in this episode so take that into consideration if you don't like Cussy Mc Cussterson. Link to Reptile Trailer: Life Is Strange Trailer: Music in today's episode: Music - 03 Chibi ninja (Erik Skiff) he plays me the best rythms -Rolemusic ( catnip -azureflux rainbow ride - azureflux ( hyperspace adventure - skip ( we're all under the stars (Erik Skiff)