Ecommerce Q&a

Sellry's story with Michael Bower



TRANSCRIPT Michael: Hello folks, and welcome to eCommerce QA. This is the podcast where store owners, directors of eCommerce and eCommerce managers can stay up-to-date on the latest tools and technologies in eCommerce. I'll be joined on the show by my colleague and partner-in-crime, Dillon Holst. Our goal is to handle one or two questions per episode. You can check us out on the web at There, you will be able to get in touch, ask us questions, and just generally participate. Hello folks, and welcome to eCommerce QA. This is the show where we keep it frolic-y and futuristic, talking about the latest in eCommerce. I’m joined by my colleague Noelle. Hey, Noelle. Noelle: Hey, Michael. So today, we’re going to reverse the roles, and I’m going to interview you on Sellry’s evolution as well as your thoughts on a few different questions. Ready to go? Michael: I’m ready. Noelle: Alrighty. You started out as Mike’s Biz Help. Now you’re Sellry. Can you give me a brief on what each company