Beyond Burnout - Life Management For Working Moms

BB001- Introducing Dr. Marks



As a working mom, we all have at least two jobs – the one you get paid money for and then your family  where it’s a different kind of payment.  With these two jobs it’s easy to overextend yourself and get burned out. Sometimes the answer is you need to cut back on some things.  But what if you can’t just quit your job or tell your boss you’re only going to work 8 hours?  What if you don’t have those options?  I strongly believe with careful attention to your physical and mental health, you work your two jobs with maximum efficiency and still feel good.  With this podcast, I plan to teach you how to care for yourself in way that you can operate at your best.  The way you think really impacts how you feel and act.  The mind is powerful and you can really think yourself into hole.  At the end of each episode, I plan to give your positive affirming thoughts that you can rely upon for the rest of your week.