Beyond Burnout - Life Management For Working Moms

BB002 Burnout vs. Depression – What’s the Difference?



Burnout can manifest physically and mentally Mental symptoms can manifest as the following: feeling uninspired in your work   irritability cynicism boredom losing focus easily overwhelmed like everything is hard Physical symptoms can be: utter exhaustion slogging through the day achy muscles heavy limbs People have researched burnout and published on it and one of the popular researchers is Dr. Christina Maslach.  She’s a sociology professor at University of California, Berkeley. She came up with a construct of 6 factors that contribute to workplace burnout. work overload lack of control of your work insufficient rewards workplace community problems lack of fairness (ex. Unequal pay/workload) conflict between personal values and job requirements   Dr. Maslach is particularly focused on workplace burnout which is a huge player in how people can get burned out.  But I’m proposing that as a working mom, even if you don’t have these these things going on in your workplace, you can still get burned out just