Beyond Burnout - Life Management For Working Moms

BB003 Dealing with Negative People



Anyone that has to deal with negative people on a regular basis knows just how challenging it can be. All the complaining and ‘doom and gloom’ talk can really sap your energy and patience. At the conclusion of a mere 15-minute conversation, it can feel like the life has been sucked right out of you. The good news is you can lessen the effects of their negativity by coming up with a plan to deal with this challenge. Try these strategies:  1.     Be objective. It’s important not to take the negative person’s comments personally. Recognize that they’re pessimistic most of the time and take an unhelpful perspective of most things. They can be so absorbed by their negative thoughts that they have a difficult time being tactful. ·      In reality, you might feel a little sorry for them. Aren’t you glad that you don’t carry the same negative attitude about life? It’s difficult to be upset with someone when you feel sorry for them. 2.     Keep the conversation light. It can be very helpful to steer the conversation