Beyond Burnout - Life Management For Working Moms

BB008 - How To Avoid The Empty Nest Crash



Show BB008 Quick Guide Waving your kids off to college is undoubtedly a bittersweet moment. You're proud that your children are on their way to adulthood. Nevertheless, you're saddened by the fact that they'll soon be off in a dorm room with strangers rather than home in their beds.   Even though the moment isn't here yet and you're trying to soak up every second available with your children, it's important to plan for what is to come rather than simply ignoring it. Your kids will be in college soon. Therefore, now is the time to develop a plan to help you cope with the sadness of the separation.   Here are three techniques to help you prepare for the empty nest: 1. Look forward to enjoying your newfound freedom. While your kids are enjoying their freedom away at college, you too can rejoice in your newfound freedom away from the kids and their limiting schedules.    2. Reconnect with your spouse. After raising the children for so many years, living alone with your spouse is something that may feel new to you